
~nukular am 05.01.2013 11:16 #10950

Schon mal über CrowdFunding nachgedacht? Warte schon so sehnsüchtig auf Version 1.0
Vermute aber mal dass würde UBISoft nicht nicht gefallen...

gliblyy am 05.01.2013 12:56 #10953

hm, aber würde mehr geld auch gleichzeitig mehr zeit zur arbeit am projekt bringen?

Settlers 1 Remaker

Spike am 05.01.2013 14:58 #10957

Im Ruhestand
Also das Projekt wird immer kostenlos bleiben und auch nie durch Werbung finanziert werden - ich denke nicht, dass das im sinne von den Gründern ist.


Dafling am 06.01.2013 08:45 #10968

There's no need for advertising in crowd funding. I know of 2 crowd funding services,
kickstarter and indiegogo. I think kickstarter is only for the US and UK, but indiegogo can be
used by everyone. And no ads.
I think the principle is: people give you money, you in turn deliver the work on time (features,
new versions etc). If you don't, you return the money. That's how it goes ;)

Settlers 2 rocks!

Editiert von Dafling am 06.01.2013 08:47

gliblyy am 06.01.2013 09:41 #10969

but what for?
as far as i know there are time problems and not money problems. so more money won't help the project in the same way like new programmers would do, right?

Settlers 1 Remaker

Dafling am 06.01.2013 09:44 #10970

Well, if you get enough money with crowdfunding, you may want to abandon your real life job,
then you will have all the time in the world to focus on the software you're making (rttr!) ;)

Btw I know some programming, can I be of any help? I've been developing a mod for warcraft III
for about 3 years. But I know little of serious C++ programming (but willing to learn if
Also I am relatively fluent in English so I could write some english stuff for the site.
Although I know 0 (zero) german! :D

Settlers 2 rocks!

Editiert von Dafling am 06.01.2013 10:11

gliblyy am 06.01.2013 11:05 #10971

ok, abandon the real life job >could< be an option. especially if it's a bad job :-D

but i think this would automatically limit the number of project members again, because they all wants and needs to be paid.
so, the project could lose the "free" programmers that wants to be paid, too.

(sorry, no offense. crowdfounding is good but i just want to play through the possible negative effects for the project)

Settlers 1 Remaker

Spike am 06.01.2013 12:21 #10973

Im Ruhestand
Do you really think, that the crowd of RttR is large enough to get enough money to leave your rl job? I don't think so. Also most of the current Devs are not working, they are students and do their work or did, because they wanted to create something, maybe they already lost their interest in the project, nobody knows ;) Maybe it's a good idea but I don't think for this project :-/ (Just need to keep in mind that the new race is more than 2 years in development :p)


~Matthias am 06.01.2013 14:47 #10975

Man könnte das Repository nach GitHub umziehen und verwenden um zweckgebundene Spenden zu ermöglichen.

gliblyy am 06.01.2013 15:01 #10976

wie sieht das eigentlich steuerrechtlich mit spenden aus?
hatte auch mal die idee spenden zu nehmen für die serverkosten, aber hab keine ahnung wie das angerechnet wird...

Settlers 1 Remaker

FloSoft am 08.01.2013 09:37 #10986


Die erhaltenen "Spenden" sind nichts anderes als Einnahmen aus einer freiberuflichen Tätigkeit.

Muss man also "nur" bei seiner Steuererklärung als Einnahmen deklarieren.


Matthias am 24.11.2013 15:55 #11984

Feel free to post in English!

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