The AI has been improved by "PoC" and is now a bit stronger than before. Here are some important changes or additions made:
- should cause less lags
- is able to start sea attacks
- soldier production has been improved
- food production has been improved
- can use the charburner now
- improved wood production
- ...
Also while adding sea attacks, he fixed a lot of bugs related to seafaring
- should cause less crashes
- fixed some broken/not working as intended mechanics
But you also get two new "Addons" when updating to the latest nightly version:
Max Rank:
- You are not able to set a maximum rank for your soldiers (such as officer) this may decreases the value of gold but
increses the normal soldier production a lot!
Inexhaustible Granite Mines:
- If this addon is enabled you can always build granite mines everywhere which should be helpfull on some maps
I guess those are some good reasons for updating your current version.