
Elritzo am 22.10.2014 15:13 #12940

My name is Ricardo and I live in the Netherlands. Just discovered this board. Played this game since 1996(release).

Sometimes I get the feeling to play this game again. Its mostly one or two periods in the year and this time i found this board. Hopefully there are still people who
play?! Tried to connect to the IRC, but I think I did maybe somethings wrong.

Spike am 22.10.2014 16:59 #12941

Im Ruhestand
Sure,we still got some active players :)
You may just press the chat button,accept the request by java and start chatting. If it's not working either your java is not
working or an addon blocks (like noscript). You can also use any other irc-program(xchat,Miranda etc) freenode server and
channel #siedler2.5 .

Also our internet lobby is connected to our irc channel (if the lobby bot greets you) but you may need some time until
someone answers. But at least one player,me, is always available for a game ;)

EDIT: oh and welcome Ricardo ;)


Editiert von Spike am 22.10.2014 17:03

Elritzo am 26.10.2014 23:40 #12946

Thank you for responding!

I already found a working IRC client and successfully joined the channel! Hope to see you there in a future night so
we can play together or against some others. ;-) Started to train myself again with single player and campaign haha.

Spike am 27.10.2014 07:44 #12947

Im Ruhestand
I guess weekends are a good time to meet ;) maybe we also find some other players then.

If you want to train I can recommend you my "training" videos - they cover nearly every aspect of the game and also show
some special tactics (spikeeins on yt)


Elritzo am 03.11.2014 11:29 #12975

Good to hear! I watch them and see you soon.

Elritzo am 03.11.2014 11:30 #12976

Good to hear! I watch them and see you soon.

Elritzo am 03.11.2014 11:30 #12977

Good to hear! I watch them and see you soon.

Quorzom am 03.11.2014 18:51 #12979

The best way to find players for it is to join the IRC channel on the weekends. Another way is to join the Steam group - provided you
are a frequent user of it - I've opened some time ago and just ask the people if they have time to play.

And I really recommend watching Spikes videos on youtube, because they will give you access to really useful tactics you probably won't
come up with yourself, like the efficient training of soldiers for example.

Elritzo am 04.11.2014 12:11 #12983

Great response! Well this weekend I try to be online and play against one of you.

Thanks for the advice about watching the YouTube videos, but I played this game since the release and this kind of
tactics doesn't look new to me ;-) although its very useful!

Spike am 04.11.2014 17:00 #12984

Im Ruhestand
but I played this game since the release

*hrhr* When I started playing I had the same idea ;) I was proofed wrong^^


Quorzom am 05.11.2014 03:39 #12991

*hrhr* When I started playing I had the same idea ;) I was proofed wrong^^

Haha, indeed. That reminds me of my first multiplayer game where I lost horribly and had no idea what was going on.

Elritzo am 15.12.2014 10:17 #13203

Haha well this made me curious. Stil didn't play online :-(

gefroy am 20.12.2014 01:28 #13230

I remember my first game against Spikeone. I was confident because I knew that I used to play against bots and I usually won them.
Spike couldn't be any better because I knew everything from game. Bit later I got annihilated. No need to say but the tide has turned
now :)

Editiert von gefroy am 20.12.2014 01:29

Spike am 21.12.2014 02:53 #13231

Im Ruhestand
Yeah, and finally you can win a 2v1 versus me :p


Mikel am 02.02.2016 18:23 #14013


i dont know why but i cant use the chat i tried it on google chrome and on internet explorer and nothing happens
does anyone has the same problem or its just me?


Editiert von Mikel am 02.02.2016 20:10

Feel free to post in English!

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