Hi SlameR (Alex),
I connect to internet lobby two mounts ago. I can advice you following possible channels haw to
find the players:
1) Download the latest version RttR (today it is version 20150125) and connect to Internet
lobby (If you have Windows, start with rttr.bat file in the folder where is your game installed
and you will upgrade the version automatically). You must wait for players which can play with
you. Evenings and especially weekends are probably the best time.
2) I see you are already registered. Go then to the web page
http://www.siedler25.org and
then to menu Private Messages / Inbox. You can write message to any member then. They must only
to read it and respond.
3) RttR players usually use IRC for communication. Windows software is for example mIRC and
for Linux Pidgin communicator. How to connect to IRC channel you can find on RttR main page and
then Mainmenu/chat. There are usually 20 connections but not all are able to play immediately.
Some of them play only with friends.
Usually “older” players play together and “younger” player must find some friends.
I can play with you anyway :).
DMM (Martin)
Martin (DMM)
It is never too late to start play RttR!