Basic information
All matches must be on the weekend with the exception that the two parties involved agree on a weekday. The time will decided, by both parties as well and by a tournament representative to launch the server with the proper configuration. If the tournament representative can't be present, proof of the match happening must be delivered.
The matches must be scheduled after two days of the announced matchmaking participants and report it to your correct post in the forum giving up your information, fail to do so will result on a serious penalty on future matches. Not scheduling at all due to a participant not being active will result in the disqualification of same participant and the other will pass to the next round of qualification. If both participants are not responding both will be disqualified.
You can join the tournament until the 17th of February any further than this date will denied access to the tournament matches.
Server Configuration
The maps for each qualifying round are going to be released 15 minutes before the previously scheduled matches. This will give enough time to install the map and login.
To register, post below (for now) on this post with:
- Nickname.
- Age.
- Preferred Race.
Don't forget that, even if you registered and completed your profile in the forum we are not able to see if who you are and what is your preferred race.
Rounds & Matches
The match will have a duration of maximum 2 hours of playtime, excluding the breaks, who will have a 5-15 duration depending on the players agreement. There will be only one break through the entire match.
After the 2 hours and if the game isn't over yet we will give a 15 minute over-time to conclude the round, failed to destroy the opponent in this time will result on winning over certain victory conditions described below.
Other conditions may be described below.
The player who qualifies must have reached the victory conditions stipulated as the following:
- Destroying the opposing participant.
In case of resulting in a draw the victory conditions change to the following:
- Having 75% of the map’s terrain
- Having higher military kills.
A participant can be disqualified by various methods, please make sure you read this part to avoid unnecessary action:
- Through leaving the round without notice and doesn't return in 15 minutes (which the time replaces the break previously discussed).
- Unwanted behavior (See in Behavior below).
- Passing over 20 minutes of the time of the match and not showing up or not be prepared.
- Surrendering in the match.
The participant who passes to the next round will wait for all the matches to end and the matchmaking to take place and repeat the process as before.
As the game is not in its final version, bugs may occur we will describe the two types of bugs and their consequences to the match:
- Small bugs, such as graphical glitches and resolutions that do not affect your gameplay in a direct way will not stop the match.
- Bugs that cause significant problems that can affect your gameplay, such as higher ping, low frame rates must be quickly reported to the tournament representative and he/she should decide what should be the best way to deal with the situation. If there isn't a game representative hosting the match, the match should stop until either the bug is fixed or the participant forfeits the match.
Trying to fix the bug should not last longer than 15 minutes.
Pause & Breaks
There will be only one official break from 5-15 depending on the agreement the participants will make.
If for some reason the player must pause the game before the break the time agreed will be reduced to compensate for the time it took.
After the arranged time that constitutes the break, the game will continue. With or without the participants. If the participants had previously agreed with a match at another that a representative won't be present, a replay must be posted in the forums.
Reporting Scores
To report the scores, both players must print screen the ending match (when the phrase "PERSON has (been) surrender/(defeated)" to verify the claims of winning. These must be posted in the match post that you should currently have.
The matchmaking will be random and impartial, we will not take into account the player experience nor the place he's residing.
Contacting Tournament Help Team
If there is any information that you want to know and it's not posted here you can reach us at the forum in Common Conversation section you can write a post beginning with [TQ] as in Tournament Question. You can also reach us by going into the IRC chat located at the website or your favorite mIRC client with the following information:
Channel: #Siedler2.5
Cases in which to Contact
- Something not listed in the rules & regulation.
In the tournament as in the forum and the irc channels we like to promote a sense of friendship and a place to relax. We don't allow any kind of aggressive behavior which might cause any harm psychologically and to some extent physically.
Writer for Got a tip? e-mail us! Also a major Settlers 2 Fan!