the current nightly contains support for Lua scripting, but only for maps so far. It is not possible at the moment to store anything in a save game, but that will change.
Do not report a bug for that, it's just not implemented yet.
LUA scripts are loaded from pathtomap.lua for a map at pathtomap.swd. The game will look for a file ending in '.lua' instead of '.swd'. Please be aware that case matters for some operating systems. The file will be sent to all clients, overwriting files in the user's own rttr MAPS directory.
There are 'events' in form of Lua functions that are called:
- onStart()
called at the start of the game, after the headquarters are placed.
- onOccupied(player_id, x, y)
called every time a point on the map gets occupied by a player.
- onExplored(player_id, x, y)
called every time a point on the map becomes visible for a player.
- onGameFrame(gameframe_number)
Gets called every game frame.
- onResourceFound(player_id, x, y, type, quantity)
Given resource (0=iron, 1=gold, 2=coal, 3=granite, 4=water) was found at x,y.
You can remove an event by just overwriting the function with
nil: after
onResourceFound = nil, a previously defined onResourceFound function won't be called any more.
Functions to be called from Lua:
- rttr.AddWares(player, type, amount, ...)
Add the specified goods to the player's first warehouse. 'type' and 'amount' may be repeated, but have to appear in pairs.
- rttr.AddPeople(player, type, amount, ...)
Add the specified people to the player's first warehouse. 'type' and 'amount' may be repeated, but have to appear in pairs.
- rttr.EnableBuilding(player, type, ...)
Enable the buildings specified after player. 'type' may be repeated to enable multiple buildings.
With no type given, all buildings are enabled.
- rttr.DisableBuilding(player, type, ...)
Disable the buildings specified after player. 'type' may be repeated to disable multiple buildings.
With no type given, all buildings are disabled.
- rttr.SetRestrictedArea(player, x1,y1, ...)
This restricts the area a player may have territory in. If called without any x/y-values, the restrictions are lifted. Otherwise, the coordinates specify one or multiple polygons the player may have territory in. A polygon inside a polygon will create a hole in it. To specify multiple polygons, start with a 0,0-pair followed by the first polygon, another 0,0-pair, the second polygon etc. and a final 0,0-pair at the end. For multiple polygons, each polygons first point has to be repeated at the end of it.
- rttr.GetGF()
Returns the current game frame number.
- rttr.AddStaticObject(x, y, id, file = 0xFFFF, size = 0)
Adds new static object. Only environment/static objects and empty space can be overwritten.
id: id in file
file: 0xFFFF map_?_z.lst, 0-5 mis?bobs.lst
size: 0 for hut, 1 for house, 2 for castle.
See http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~flosoft/s25rttr/trunk/view/head:/src/GameWorld.cpp#L264
- rttr.AddEnvObject(x, y, id, file = 0xFFFF)
Adds new environment object. Only environment/static objects and empty space can be overwritten.
id: id in file
file: 0xFFFF map_?_z.lst, 0-5 mis?bobs.lst
See http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~flosoft/s25rttr/trunk/view/head:/src/GameWorld.cpp#L264
- rttr.Chat(player, message...)
Sends message to player (-1 for all players).
- rttr.Log(message...)
Log to console.
- rttr.PostMessage(player, message...)
Send post message to player.
- rttr.PostMessageWithLocation(player, x, y, message...)
Send post message to player (with location x, y).
- PostNewBuildings(player, building_type...)
Inform player that he can now build building_type.
- rttr.GetPlayerCount()
Returns number of players.
- rttr.GetPeopleCount(player, job_type)
Get number of people a player has with a given job.
- rttr.GetWareCount(player, ware_type)
Get number of wares a player has of a given type.
- rttr.GetBuildingCount(player, building_type)
Get number of buildings a player has of a given type.
- rttr.MissionStatement(player, title, message...)
Send mission statement to player:
rttr.MissionStatement(0, "Diary", "Forth day\n\n\nThere are ", rttr.GetBuildingCount(0, BLD_WELL), " wells now.")
- rttr.AIConstructionOrder(player,x,y,buildingtype)
orders ai to build buildingtype at the given x,y location (ai will usually retry at a nearby location if the location is bad)
A list of valid building IDs (
BLD_*), ware IDs (
GD_*) and job IDs (
JOB_*) may be found here:
However you are encouraged to use the predefined variables (see example below).
Below you'll find an example for TAL018.SWD (Atomium I, 3 players):
-- start callback, called after everything is set up
function onStart()
-- add 100 generals and 10 officers for player 0
rttr.AddPeople(0, JOB_GENERAL, 100, JOB_OFFICER, 10)
function onGameFrame(no)
-- every 100 gf...
if no % 100 == 0 then
-- for all players..
for player = 0, rttr.GetPlayerCount() - 1 do
rttr.Chat(0xFFFFFFFF, "[Player ", player, " @GF ", rttr.GetGF() , "] helpers: ", rttr.GetPeopleCount(player, JOB_HELPER), ", wells: ", rttr.GetBuildingCount(player, BLD_WELL), ", water: ", rttr.GetWareCount(player, GD_WATER))
-- just output a message for now
function onOccupied(player, x, y)
rttr.Log("Point occupied: ", player, ": ", x, ",", y)
-- just output a message for now
function onExplored(player, x, y)
rttr.Log("Point explored: ", player, ": ", x, ",", y)
-- disable barracks (building 1) for player 0
rttr.DisableBuilding(0, BLD_BARRACKS)
-- restrictions for player 0
rttr.SetRestrictedArea(0, 0,42, 255,42, 255,255, 0,255)
Please be aware that the support is
experimental at the moment and
invalid values from scripts may lead to crashes.
Please do not report a bug in this case. This especially applies for area restrictions, as it is necessary that everything a player owns is inside that area. Otherwise the game may crash. Therefore, restricted area should be set at script load time (
not in the start() event callback or even later) and include at least the headquarter, but not necessarily the land gained by it. Afterwards the area should only be increased.
That's all for now.
Editiert von
Marcus am 16.12.2014 20:14