I have a similar issue, is there some way for me to debug this problem. If I have missing or
corrupt files?
I'm running Linux. Lubuntu 12.10 quantal.
Automatisches Erstellen des Portforwardings mit UPnP fehlgeschlagen
Fehler: No such file or directory
Verbinde mit
Verbindung erfolgreich hergestellt mit localhost:3665
SERVER: Using gameframe length of 40ms
SERVER: Using networkframe length of 6ms
LUA ERROR: 'cannot open /home/asdfl/.s25rttr/MAPS/Random01.lua: No such file or directory'!
/home/asdf/s25rttr/share/../bin/rttr.sh: rad 60: 4909 Avbruten (SIGABRT) (minnesutskrift
skapad) $cmd $DIR/../bin/s25client $*
An error occured: press enter to continue