Rules & Regulations
Must login and check their personal messages (or enable E-Mail notification) to communicate with their opponents.
Must be played in a window of 2 Weeks. The Default time to play your match is the
first sunday in those 2 weeks. The
alternative date is the
second sunday(They will be marked). Your are allowed to play with your enemy on other
days of course
but you both must confirm. If one player is not showing up for a match and does not write a PM or
anything else he will be disqualified!
There are ways to cheat, if one player does he is also disqualified!
We are using the latest stable version (v0.8.1 - 8972)
But as Flosoft seems not to use a fixed stable version anymore, you are allowed to use any version you want to use. Talk
with your opponent, default version is still v0.8.1 - ????.
If your game crashs, just save in the replay and load the game
If your game goes async, just save 5k GF before the replay ends and load the game. If you encounter the same async again,
restart the whole game. If you still encounter an Async send both replays to Spike - he will terminate the winner.
One of both players
must be able to host. If none of you can host, you can also contact Spike who could add a 3rd
spot to the map and will host the map for you.
There are "default" Settings for the match. Just notice them, if both players can't agree a setting, they have to use the
default setting.
Speed: Very Fast
Goals: None
Goods at start: Normal
Exploration: Fog of War
Random start locations: use
Lock teams: use
shared team view: use
AI debugging window: disabled
Adjust military strength: medium strength
Change defender behavior: Reduce reoccupying troops
Change gold deposits: no change
Change the visibility of your ingame statistics: everyone
Custom build sequence: disabled
Disable demolition of military buildings: active if attacked
Disable coins by default: use
Enable charburner: disabled
Exhaustible wells: disabled
Inexhaustible Mines: disabled
Limit count of catapults: 3
Manual road enlargement: use
Military Aid: disabled
Race specific catapult graphics: use
Refund materials when building is destroyed: no refund
Refund materials when emergency program is active: use
Tool ordering: disabled
Trade: disabled
9-Verification of the result
Send your replay to Spike (
10-Other Questions
Just ask, I'll add the answers.
Editiert von
Spike am 02.12.2013 01:31