I think the lobby-bot tells you, that could type '!help connection'. If you do so, the lobby tells you that
you have to forward a port (default is 3665 tcp but you can take a port you want). If you also did so and
still can't connect with your friend you may have to make sure that your software firewall is not blocking
(sometimes people don't even know they got one which is blocking programs ^^)
If you are still unable to connect, just join our irc channel or ask for help using our lobby-bot - your lobby
messages will appear in our IRC channel and maybe, someone will be able to answer your questions ;)
[00:19:27] -[LobbyBot]/#siedler2.5- * join: N6 (1)
[00:19:41] -[LobbyBot]/#siedler2.5- * part: N6
And no, 14s aren't long enoug ;)
But I'm still sure that those first steps will help