Hey, really nice to see someone playing RttR and being able to stream at the same time.
I don't think that normal games take twice the time of your game since most players are really experienced.
Lately we
played the same map (a 3v3) and it only took ~2h to finish the game since multiplayer games (99%) are played
with GF: 30ms
not 70ms. But would be really happy to have someone in our "bigger" games who streams either as spectator or
Also I just uploaded you a replay so you may could compare your style of playing with normal human players (I
was at your
spot) so thats maybe a bit interesting for you.
Also I read you prefer chatting via skype (rather than IRC/Ingame?) so you also could add me there if you...
well, want :p
Skype: Spikinator4
Maybe this makes it easier to communicate
Edit: Oh, and I didn't watch the whole video but you
are able to trade if you enable the addon, just to
correct that
one a bit
Editiert von
Spike am 06.04.2014 20:55