Hey crazyL, I wish you a happy new year as well.
Thanks a lot for testing, I think you are the first person who tested all missions so far ;)
Pausing the game is currently not possible - but you can pause the game on your own. Also some events and messages
may be bugged - and came faster than I expected, hopefully I can watch those replays and find possible bugs.
That building order problem: The Ai does not build the ordered building at the exact spot, just tries to build it as close as
possible. In my case this feature weren't working as expected - if you took the short way, you had to conquer 1 barrack to
win. That's the reason why I added those "fake" harbor spots (just look for 2 pineapple trees) so the AI would try to defend
there (which works quite well).
But I'll have a look at the problem as well.
Do you think those missions (with lua save state and pause game) are ready for a release?
Thanks a lot for testing, I never got time for testing so - I'm happy mission 3 worked ;)