
~Gast am 05.06.2015 20:41 #13507

Where required intro movie to be placed to be able to see it in RTTR ? In my version its in fodler VIDEO but nothing is said about it
in readme instructions....

Spike am 05.06.2015 21:22 #13508

Im Ruhestand
Because there is no intro video


~Gast am 05.06.2015 21:45 #13509


And there is such option in main menu of RTTR..

jh am 05.06.2015 23:00 #13510

No one implemented a video player for those videos in RTTR - you currently can't watch any of the videos.

Marthzion am 03.01.2023 21:22 #16109

I think it would be nice to make the Intro
Video working like it is already prepared.
Some talented programmer could use the
libsmacker library from here

In the AirlineTycoon Project
oon/tree/fix/video-playback its running
well (when VSYNC disabled for the movie)

Feel free to post in English!

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