OK, thanks, some time I will watch those videos (cannot watch youtube etc. right now due to technical reasons).
Would be practical to "collect" such information in a documentation-section (seperately on the website, or at an appropriate place in the forum pinned to the top).
Furthermore, a subsection in the documentation section about how to compile the stuff on your own (including the mapeditor).
Maybe just create that sections (even if still empty, but well-organised) and that already will encourage people to create valuable texts?
Two more detailed questions:
* I build the charcoal-maker (don't know the proper english word vor "Köhler(ei)"). It did nothing. Then, when removing a surrounding way it began to build it's pile (so I
discovered that it needs space around like the farmer). It did only build this one pile, after it was finished and the coal taken it did not build a new pile. I think it did not
have space to build at other locations except this one, but it also did not build any second pile on the place where it has built it's first one. So I am confused. Maybe it
needs to build a second pile at another location before it can reuse an old one? Would be nice to have such details documented, like the details of an API in a software
project are also documented.
* How to do attacks over sea and how do they work?
And, a listing on what is not yet implemented from the original game/ what is not working correctly.
I hate bothering people by asking those questions, but I really could not find any collected documentation.
Anyway, I am very grateful about that project. I just recently stumbled upon it. Only sad thing that without graphics acceleration it is very slow, so that I cannot use it on
my working machine (I use Xorg over kernel-framebuffer-device (uvesafb) for stability, less complexity -> fewer things can go wrong, simplicity in handling both graphical
and text console), but that may be good so I really have to decide I want to play.
I also really like that the rowing boats can be indefinite long -- so to connect the sea-bridges on torus-maps.
Thanks for all who put in efforts!
Editiert von
dreieck am 16.08.2015 12:21