Hi Spike, I don't know about settlers 4. Never really played anything above 2 (a bit 3 but not much). My idea came mainly from Age of
Empires 2, because I've been playing both games a lot with my brothers. But if you describe a bit the requirements you want to achieve
(e.g. balanced map is a good starting point), I'm sure I can come up with something :-)
I saw the code from the generator of this page in the repository, but I tried playing some of the maps and the landscape was not looking
nice enough (no offense intended! i really love the work of the main devs of the project, it gave my family great joy!!!). Of course, the
client/user is kind, so I'll integrate it once i reached the minimum code quality to commit to the project hehe (last time i developed c++ was
5 years ago with a really old compiler). But might be easier if you describe the style of the map you would like to have, then I can think
about the best way to integrate it.
Thanks for the feedback anyway! Very appreciated!