Hi guys!
the weather sucked today so I thought, let's play a game I haven't played in years! This was actually the first time I played with
the Babylonians. Really nice!
The map I picked was Landung4. Nice to see that the AI was smart enough to build a Harbour and a Shipyard, unfortunately they either
chose their landing wrong (the island with all the stone) or they built foresters without any woodcutters so they got stuck.
However, I got along nicely and after some time I was actually able to attack one of their harbour buildings. Of course they were no
match for my generals (they didn't even have one private :)), but after that I wanted to attack their HQ, but I couldn't find a way.
So, here's my actual question: how do sea attacks work? After one or two hours I found out that I had been stupid enough to choose
the "No sea attacks" setting. Now at this moment I don't have the time anymore figure it out for myself :) If you spot an enemy
harbour, can you attack it? What about the HQ? And where do the soldiers come from? Setting up something like a military expedition
could be a nice feature I guess? :)
Anyhow, I really like the gameplay, no bugs found! Awesome all around.