Hey there guys,
So recently i played the original roman campaign by using the LUA's from crazyL, since i had a lot of fun and after i was
done felt like i could play some more scipted maps. I then decided to play the FANpaign, but quickly realized that i wasnt
having as much fun as i could have by played the map on RttR (for obvious reason's).
So I tried it myself, I have no knowledge of scripting at all. I used reading and common sense to copy and stich together
a script by using the already existing scripts created by CrazyL's Roman campaign.
Tell me if anything isnt working or out of the ordinary or could be done better!
I Stranded
A mission by Achim Ruziczka
Alright, so since the alliances ingame cant change after the start setup atm, this mission does lose something by not
having to strategicly attack the red player to make him your enemy and still keep your alliance to orange. But its still
playble in this format, since you would have made red your enemy anyway. Getting past the first section of this mission is
very hard and almost pure luck atm since you cant control the orange players attack moves and he can then block your way
off and you cant attack him since hes team 1 with you(doesnt matter tho since you'd loose anyway, if you could attack
orange you would get crushed nonetheless). What makes it alot harder is you cant get to close to red since he is your enemy
from the start, it gets tricky having to man your fortress at the perfect time to attack him withour getting attacked and
red being weak enough to take 2 of his fortresses, but before orange takes them before you! The mission works just as
normal after you get the shipyard.
Map and Lua I Stranded
II In Exile
A mission by Achim Ruziczka
Not much to say here, this should work to 100% like it did in the original.
Map and Lua II in Exile
III The Limes
A mission by Achim Ruziczka
Ook, this mission would be unplayable if you woundt change the alliances, due to the fact that alliances cant change
ingame atm, which makes setting teams already impossible to the original. The original was quite interesting since your
ally yellow(who's right next to you) was on a timer untill he reached the purple player. It was set up in a way that he
would always attack purple first(whom your allied with). So you'd always have yellow as your enemy after a certain time if
you woudnt interfere. Also later on you could easely trick the green and black player into knocking themself out, because
they were both allied to each other but only one of them to you. And doing it this way you'd always keep red your ally
Overall this mission is quite easy if you go this way.
Anyway, since that isnt possible I have layed out the teams so yellow is your ally and you two fight against the rest
( which is an option you could recreate by attacking red and is also listed as possible solutions to beat this mission on
their website).
Map and Lua III The Limes
IV Deep Freeze
A mission by Ralf Eggeling
This should work just fine, only things that play different are: If you land on purple's island he'll be your enemy from
the start not giving you time to set up and attack when you feel ready, same goes for the black player's island.
Map and Lua IV Deep Freeze
V Oceania
A mission by Heiko Bieger
To start: I do not know what !GLOBAL_SET_PATTERN and !GLOBAL_SET_PALETTE is supposed to be doing found in the RTX file, as
far as I read noone actually does. Well, Heiko Bieger surely must know.
(correct me if I'm wrong)
Also I changed two things: First is the harbor location at x93 y159, I slightly changed the geographics to make it even
accessible to the player. For some odd reason the harbor can be reached in the original S2 but not in RttR, even tho the
map I used was unchanged between RttR and S2.
Second, the correct island you need to find and then destroy your harbor in order to progress is reached much, much
quicker by the AI in RttR. Making him take the mointain spot and blocking your harbor location if you are slow to get
there. I have set a restricted area there even tho there is none in S2, but thats because the maker probaly never thought
the slow AI would ever get there before you.
Map and Lua V Oceania
VI Harbor Zone
A mission by Wolfgang Zauner
The ADD_ANIMAL commands are not in place in the lua, they would have spawned some polarbears and snow-rabbits.
K then, In S2 the two enemy AI max out at ~130 generals combinded. This is just enough to beat both AI with the amount of
generals you have, but in RttR the AI doesnt retardetly waste coins which means the AI now maxes out at ~130 generals each,
while the player maxes out at ~150 generals and ~150 privates. You can see that without catapult-laming this mission is
otherwise not beatable since rushing or stealing gold is not an option and I dont intend to change the maps.
I even found a
spot(click here) to freely farm yellow's generals.
Map and Lua VI Harbor Zone
VII New Sea Routes
A mission by Blue Byte revised by Achim Ruziczka
Really nothing to say here, since its basicly just the original map slightly altered.
Map and Lua VII New Sea Routes
VIII Desert
A mission by Achim Ruziczka
I tested the map and it should work just fine, except that you have to play the map twice to beat it if you dont know how
to beat it from the start. Pretty bad mad design imo, I have a replay attached to the files maybe I'll create a replay for
the other missions aswell if anyone wants to know/see how to beat some of them. Also for some reason on this map water
fountains sprang out of the ground all over the map in yellow and blue color depending on which players land it was.
No idea why, maybe some ground tiles trigger this effect?
Map and Lua VIII Desert
IX Intermezzo
A mission by Achim Ruziczka
The AI wont start to attack your HQ after a certain time since the attackrange isnt as far as in S2 but that alright
because the stronger AI makes up for it.
Map and Lua XI Intermezzo
Editiert von
KaioKen am 19.01.2018 23:49