I've recently started FANpaign for S2 Gold (I'm using DosBox), but everytime my empire is large enough, my soldiers don't fill the
military buildings, regardless the military settings. I have some fortresses on the enemy border (with X flag), and a storehouse next
to them with over 30 soldiers, but in the fortresses are just around 4 of them. I've tried to pull back and forth the military settings
for all buildings, but I can't manage to move the soldiers from storehouse to the fortresses.
Second issue occurs too with large empire, that not all new roads are being occupied by peasants, and therefore transport problems
occur. Items just start to stuck on the crossroads because there is no one to transport them through the roads. Again, I have plenty of
peasant in storehouses, but the don't occupy the roads.
I've finally managed to start of the first two mission of campaign, but the maps are huge and I'm quickly being limited by these bugs.
They are probably caused by limitations of the game's engine. I'm not running into any performance nor framerate problems.
I wonder if there's any workaround for these issues, since there's no campaign support in RttR and it's playable only in original game.