I've been thinking about buying the History collection but I do not know if you could play the multiplayer TS2 or the TS3 for
As far as I know you can use the old multiplayer - splitscreen with 2 mouse but there is no internet multiplayer or something else. As
For Settlers 3 I don't know - as the old settlers 3 still has a multiplayer community I guess you still can.
I read that to play you need the TS2 gold edition but the original and since it came out so long ago, would it be worth buying
the game on GOG.com or does someone know where I can get it?
Still nobody I know owns the history edition so I can't tell if the history edition is compatible to rttr. Otherwise gog is the best
source for settlers 2 gold yes.
once bought what steps have to be followed to play multiplayer?
Quite simple - join the internet lobby or gather some friends and use direct IP in order to play. The host needs to open port 3665 and
everybody needs to check their Firewall. And then, join, start, play, have fun :D If there are any questions, I'm quite responsive in
our IRC channel