We are proud to present Version 0.6 of Siedler 2.5 RttR:
The files can be found
here. Alternatively use the direct links:
s25rttr_0.6_win32.zip (Version 0.6r4431 Win32 incl. Music, 20592 KBytes)
s25rttr_0.6_win32.exe (Version 0.6r4431 Win32-Setup incl. Music, 22262 KBytes)
s25rttr_0.6_x86.tar.bz2 (Version 0.6r4431 Linux x86, 5930 KBytes)
s25rttr_0.6_amd64.tar.bz2 (Version 0.6r4431 Linux amd64, 6009 KBytes)
s25rttr_music.tar.bz2 (Music-Files for Linux, 14175 KBytes)
The source will be made public soon.
Thanks to Zahl, who made a small commercial video for RttR:
Siedler 2.5 RTTR Video
Here a small changelog:
- Fog of War (with Teamview-option)
- Watchout tower added
- Minimap
- Planer
- Helper animations added
- Translation: Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish
- Translation (not completed): Finnish, French
- HotKeys
Furthermore (thanks to all the testers) a lot of Bugs were fixed. We hope that this version is much more stable than the old versions. Some animations were added and we balanced the game in some areas.
If there are still crashes, please send the replay to
The main focus of the next version will be seafaring and the statistic windows.
If there are DLL-files missing under Windows, you should choose the self-extracting version. This version includes all files to play the game. (Of couse you need the original The Settlers II Gold-Edition installed. A "normal" The Settlers II installation is not enough - The Settlers II + Mission CD should work too)
For Newbies: You need .Net Framework 2.0 to play the game. Please use the autoupdate function in Windows.
If you get the message "Application configuration is incorrect" after starting RttR, please be sure you really installed every .Net Framework Update.
Editiert von
FloSoft am 19.04.2014 09:55