Zitat von ~RM87:
Even if everything can be calculated to show the fastest way to destroy enemies/gather resources/etc. , the game would loose its idea when everything is foreknown. Only thing that would need these knowledge, is AI.
Where is it noted officially anywhere, that the game's idea would be lost?
The whole point of advanced player vs. player combat, would be to see how best each player can execute and calculate what each variable conceives.
Giving people the means to apply it, won't mean they'll apply it with any better accuracy.
Some of the calculations required in a real-time basis to be completely accurate in the tasks executed, are incredibly vast and dense, and it would take some weeks to even comprehend a basic function of how to play, for just one of the maps.
The average individual will simply pick and choose what's appropriate for them.
For example, a standard basic statistic is that mines can give a maximum yield of 133 of a particular resource (7x19 mining spaces: hexagon from midpoint being 2 spots in width on all sides, making a 3-4-5-4-3 formation).
Another one is that there's a maximum potential of 217 spaces at the start of the game, however those are filled with 20 flags and 9 houses, as well as the HQ placement being a large building spot, yet it's displacement architecture (what spaces it removes), following the same format as a house.
There's thousands more, and I can supply them all, with IF variables of all maps that are available, that have been made and submitted to the web, as well as the standard maps for all the missions and unlimited play.
Zitat von Spike:
I think so too, I didn't meant, that we should show how to do something on a map fastest, that should everybody figure out for himself, I just wanted to show some elemantary elements which in my opinion should everybody know, like the best way of using gold.
"Best" way of using gold coins, are to align them with the military production of soldiers, with a +3 statistic for every location that's desired to be used for upgrades. Statistically the most efficient, would be a single location, however as ongoing territory increases, then the factors of finding problems with speed and proximity, would prove a detrimental factor in troop regulation.
Watchtowers and Fortresses and the only viable building to send gold coins to. All other military buildings (if built), should be almost immediately refusing gold coins.
When toolmaking becomes completely obsolete, then production for every gold coin, should be:
1 piece of gold (gold coin)
5 pieces of coal (gold coin, sword, shield, iron, iron)
2 pieces of iron (iron, iron)
1 piece of stone (catapult)