
Spooky am 21.01.2012 11:30 #9246

In the original Settlers II, there was one map for free play / multiplayer on which you could build a harbour. However, I can't find it in RTTR. I think it had one small island in each corner with Gold. When you installed the Mission Disc, building a harbour was not possible on that map anymore for some reason.

Editiert von Spooky am 21.01.2012 11:34

Spike am 21.01.2012 12:20 #9249

Im Ruhestand
I cant remember such a map Oo maybe you still got it? because RttR uses only original maps and files therefore the file should be there anyways


Spooky am 21.01.2012 12:38 #9251

The map was called "Die 4 Inseln" as far as I remember.

Spooky am 21.01.2012 14:30 #9254

Well I was mistaken once again ;). It's available in RTTR and it is called "Vier Inseln" (under the classic maps, it's DATA\MAPS3\AKARTE04.WLD). I don't know why I missed it before.

However, just as in regular Settlers II Gold/Settlers II + Mission Disc, you are unable to build harbours on it: . Indeed, if you look at it in Xaser's Map Editor, no harbour places are defined. It appears, that Blue Byte actually intentionally removed those harbours, for whatever reason, on the Mission Disc. Or may be it was some sort of oversight.

I made a quick fix for it, adding all 8 harbour places again, using Xaser's map editor:
I haven't tested it yet, but once I have done so, it would be nice to add it into the next version/nightly of RTTR as well, just as with "Die grüne Insel" and "Kalte Zeiten".

Editiert von Spooky am 21.01.2012 14:31

Malla am 21.01.2012 17:22 #9263

Zitat von Spooky:

However, just as in regular Settlers II Gold/Settlers II + Mission Disc, you are unable to build harbours on it: . Indeed, if you look at it in Xaser's Map Editor, no harbour places are defined. It appears, that Blue Byte actually intentionally removed those harbours, for whatever reason, on the Mission Disc. Or may be it was some sort of oversight.

That's true! Blue Byte removed seafearing in free play with the mission pack (and S2 Gold). I remember that I made some maps and was so disappointed that there was no way to play them with harbours and ships. Then I used a Hex Editor to get harbour places in my maps and it actually worked.

Spooky am 21.01.2012 19:49 #9265

Yeah, that was why I always only installed Settlers II without the Mission Disc, so I can play this map with harbours :).

Xaser am 21.01.2012 22:52 #9271

That is so interesting that i take a closer look at this :-). You have a version of settlers II where it's possible to build ships in free play mode??? I NEED to know this exactly :-).

Spooky am 21.01.2012 23:02 #9272

Zitat von Xaser:

That is so interesting that i take a closer look at this :-). You have a version of settlers II where it's possible to build ships in free play mode??? I NEED to know this exactly :-).

Well, as I said, it's just original Settlers II, without the Mission Disc (so not the Gold version). The map "Vier Inseln/Four Islands" has harbour places on it, which are removed when you install the Mission Disc (or when you use the Gold version).

But I don't have an original Settlers II installation currently.

Xaser am 21.01.2012 23:05 #9273

Damn, i don't have an old version too......Spike? Maybe you? :-D
Hmm, i have never heard of this, all were saying it's impossible to use big ships in free play were interesting to test this with the original game.

jh am 21.01.2012 23:20 #9274

Zitat von Xaser:

That is so interesting that i take a closer look at this :-). You have a version of settlers II where it's possible to build ships in free play mode??? I NEED to know this exactly :-).

Yes, it works. It even works with two players via splitscreen, although it is a bit buggy iirc. The pathfinding for the ships often fails on "4 Inseln", that might be the reason why BB removed the option.

Xaser am 21.01.2012 23:24 #9275

Nice, could someone upload the ORIGINAL map?

jh am 22.01.2012 11:35 #9278

I don't think that it will help you... The Veni-Vidi-Vici maps are not compatible to the Gold-Edition maps. I cannot even say which file is which map.

Xaser am 22.01.2012 14:14 #9279

Hmm, ok so if i want to find out why it works in the original settlers II, i need to buy it. I think i will do that, it is too interesting to ignore it :-D.
JH: Does this also work in the german version or do i need the english one?

jh am 22.01.2012 14:44 #9280

It worked in the german version, I never had an english one.

Xaser am 23.01.2012 12:19 #9287

Ok i could test it and it's awesome, i never knew that. The free play menu is not like that in the gold version. It seems to be hardcoded. Therefore it is possible that also the possibility to build big ships is hardcoded in the mission "Vier Inseln". The map format is stranger as in the gold version, cause map data like width and height, authors name, map name and so on seems not to be in the map files. The area data at the beginning of the WLD files seems to be in the CONTIxx.DAT files. All maps have a lot of zeros in this files except the map "Vier Inseln".
It was an interesting information but i think there is no reason to continue analysing this. But thank you guys for this hint :-), there are still things in settlers 2 i didn't know :-D.

Merri am 15.09.2012 23:31 #10579

The title data is indeed not in the map files, instead you can find that information in the language files (*.ENG or *.GER).

But I also let you know in this thread that I do have a map loader that can load all map files. You can drop in any WORLD###.DAT (including savegame), SWD or WLD file and It Just Works. The test version is running at and all code is visible as it is written in JavaScript and I haven't obfuscated it. Still a long way to go for a fully fledged uploader & Map Database, but eventually I'll complete it.

The original WORLD104.DAT map also has far more trees in it than AKARTE04.WLD. Maybe they removed those trees to reduce bugs with woodcutters. Spikeone's bugfix suggestion ( ) does not account for the missing trees even if it does have the harbor positions in place.

Settlers admin

Editiert von Merri am 15.09.2012 23:45

Spike am 16.09.2012 00:09 #10580

Im Ruhestand
well Merri these map bring up "unknown" tree data too - RttR tells this when loading the map. Also the RttR editor shows small building sites on sand.


Merri am 16.09.2012 15:21 #10588

Looks like it's DOSBox THUNDER time! Well, not now, but when I have time.

Settlers admin

Merri am 16.09.2012 19:12 #10592

I wonder which tree RttR doesn't support! I just checked debugging the map in my map loader for any tree value that could be considered invalid and nothing triggered. Opening a modded map with the trees also works OK in original Map Editor.

So there is something RttR doesn't support with trees or it detects trees incorrectly. has tree data documented. Valid values for trees...

Object type values:
C4 (Tree ID 0, 1, 2 & 3)
C5 (Tree ID 4, 5, 6 & 7)
C6 (Tree ID 8, 9, 10 & 11)
C7 (Tree ID 12, 13, 14 & 15)

Planted tree, step 1:
00 ... 07 (Tree 0 [C4])
40 ... 47 (Tree 1 [C4])
80 ... 87 (Tree 2 [C4])
C0 ... C7 (Tree 3 [C4])

Planted tree, step 2:
10 ... 17 (Tree 0 [C4])
50 ... 57 (Tree 1 [C4])
90 ... 97 (Tree 2 [C4])
D0 ... D7 (Tree 3 [C4])

Planted tree, step 3:
20 ... 27 (Tree 0 [C4])
60 ... 67 (Tree 1 [C4])
A0 ... A7 (Tree 2 [C4])
E0 ... E7 (Tree 3 [C4])

Tree animation:
30 ... 37 (Tree 0 [C4])
70 ... 77 (Tree 1 [C4])
B0 ... B7 (Tree 2 [C4])
F0 ... F7 (Tree 3 [C4])

Glitched trees exist in type C6 where Tree 0 is the only valid tree object, and any type C7 object. In other words any Tree ID above 8 is unsupported.

WORLD104.DAT has only tree animation values and only trees that are truly supported by the original game so if RttR tolds otherwise then RttR has a bug.

Settlers admin

Editiert von Merri am 16.09.2012 19:13

Feel free to post in English!

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