First of all, I'd like to say hello to whole RttR community.
When I first saw your project (about 2 weeks ago), I was extremely stunned by what you were able to achieve! The game mechanics are almost complete, when you play it you get that S2 feeling and this game is playable in both solo/multi game modes. It's cool, because there are no more games like this nowadays and Ubi's 10th anniversary isn't good enough (and it doesn't work well on my laptop too :) ). And bless you for different catapult sprites! :D I always wondered why they were the same for all races.
Besides playing oldschool games I do also some programming and as a semi-experienced C/C++ programmer I would like to somehow contribute to this project. Perhaps I'm blind or something but unfortunately i don't see any Developer FAQ or some sort of introduction for developers. Could you summarize current project status and current development focus?
I'm quite new to S2 internals, so I have to ask you if there exists some kind of documentation for filetypes etc., from which I could get neccessary info to start reading the code and adding things?
From what I've learned so far, the main focus right now is to make stable net play. But I don't think it's a good idea for me to make some changes on this fields without reading and fully understanding current net code. Before I do so, I'd like to write some plugins, implement campaigns and/or other harmless activities. :)
Thanks in advance for any additional info. I'm not a native English speaker, neither German, I know my English is not perfect, sorry for that. I don't know if it's correct category on this board, but I couldn't find any more suitable for it.
Editiert von
KaiN am 07.03.2012 14:41